Updates: Brief Introduction, Full Introduction, and Profile Picture

5/20/2024: The student search process has been revamped and will put your teacher profile in front of many more students than in the past.

It’s now more important than ever to ensure that we’re showing excellent teacher profiles to prospective students.

The New Student Experience

The Search
  • When students search for a teacher, they used to see 10 teachers total, but now, they’ll see up to 50 great options, which means your profile will be viewed by many more students.
  • Their top four recommended teachers appear at the top of the page. (In the photo of a sample search below, Suzanne, Michael, Spencer, and Joan appear as the top four recommended teachers.)
  • Students then see up to 50 other recommended teachers in the Additional Teachers section that all align with their skill level, musical goals and aspirations, and their preferred genres.
The Top Four Cards
  • Students can click on the “See more” button (on the top four recommended teachers cards) to read more about them, including reviews from current students.
  • Notice that the Brief Introduction appears in the teacher’s card for the top four recommended teachers.
Additional Teachers
    • Students can click on a teacher’s card (in the Additional Teachers section) to read more about them, including reviews from current students.
    • Clicking on a teacher’s card from the Additional Teachers section takes students immediately to their Full Introduction.

As such, the following changes and requirements are now in place for teacher profiles:

Brief and Full Introductions

  • Write in first person (using the pronoun 'I' rather than 'he/she/they').
  • Do not include last names (surnames).
  • Do not include websites or external links.
  • Introductions must be written in English.
  • Introductions must be written using full sentences and must not contain typos.
  • You can include emojis, if desired.

Brief Introduction

  • Your Brief Introduction must now be 210 characters or less.

There are lots of free online character counters to help with determining your character count. You can also copy and paste your Brief Introduction text into a Google Doc and use the ‘Word count’ feature under Tools to see your exact character count.

  • Any important information in your Brief Introduction should be duplicated in your Full Introduction, if you want to be sure that students will see it.

Your Brief Introduction only shows if you are one of the first four top recommended teachers for a student (shows the full card). If you are not in the top four, your Brief Introduction does not appear at all.

  • Tell students about yourself in a concise paragraph that draws them in and convinces them that you’re an excellent teacher.

Full Introduction

  • Organize a long Full Introduction into sections.

If your Full Introduction is more than 2,500 characters, it should be organized into sections, making it easily readable.

Do not write long, tedious paragraphs. Keep in mind that people gravitate toward brevity and bulleted lists that are easy to read.

  • Talk about your performance and teaching experience, professional achievements as a musician and as a teacher, preferred teaching methods, education and certifications, and (importantly!) what students can expect in lessons with you.
  • Be sure to allow your personality to shine through!

Profile Picture

Your profile photo is now VERY important since it’s a main component of the teacher cards in the “Additional Teachers” section.

  • Use a picture that includes your instrument, if applicable.
  • Be sure it's a clear, high-resolution photo that fully shows your face.
  • You should be the only person in the photo.
