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Your Forte Account
How do I access my Forte account?
How do I change my password?
How do I delete my account?
How do I change my email address on Forte?
How do I update my name on Forte?
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Where will I teach the online Forte lessons?
What is the "Teaching Profiles" section on my Teaching Hub?
How do I remove a student from my studio?
Teaching Materials
How do I set up my billing account on Forte?
When do I get paid for lessons booked or taught?
Can I change the amount I charge each student?
What happens if my student does not pay their bill on time?
How does the cancelation policy work, and how is it enforced?
How do I add lessons to my teaching schedule?
How do I cancel a lesson on Forte?
How do I reschedule a lesson on Forte?
What should I do to be ready to teach lessons on Forte?
If a student wants to take lessons with me, what should I expect? What’s the process?
Can I update my profile, and how often?
How can I teach multiple instruments or disciplines on Forte?
How can I share info about my Forte teaching studio with potential students?
How do I update a student's name on my roster?
How do I remove the "New on Forte" badge from my profile?
How do I submit a review from a student?
How to Disable the Waiting Room
How do I invite my current student to join my Forte studio?
Billing For Lessons Taught
What is the Forte Fee, and when does it apply to lessons?
Can I be both a teacher and a student on Forte?
How do prospective Forte Connect students find my teaching profile?
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How do I find a new teacher on Forte?
How do I schedule more lessons with my teacher?
How do I write a review for my teacher?
Why was I charged for a lesson I canceled?
How do I pay my teacher on Forte?
If I miss a lesson due to technical difficulties, am I still entitled to a refund?
If my teacher was late for my lesson, do I get a partial refund?
How much does Forte cost?
How do I request a refund?
Pre-Pay for Lessons
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How can I improve signal strength?
Who do I reach out to about a billing question?
Is there a minimum age to use Forte?
Can you play duets on Forte?
Is Forte safe?
How does Forte use and protect my data?
Can I record my lesson on Forte?
Do I need to download any software to use Forte?
It says, "Lessons may be recorded." What does that mean?
Is Forte available as an app?
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Using Forte
Can I switch between cameras and/or microphones during a lesson?
Can I highlight, annotate, or mark up the score I am sharing?
Can I share files during the lesson or between lessons?
Can I access the shared notebook between lessons?