Forte Profile Re-Review

As Forte grows and more students look to Forte to connect with their perfect music teacher, the Forte team wants to be sure that we’re consistently showing excellent teacher profiles to prospective students.

With that in mind, we’re drilling down on the elements that have to be included in a teacher profile in order to remain active on the Forte platform, and it’s now more important than ever to make sure that your Forte profile reflects your teaching excellence.

The Forte team will soon be re-reviewing all teacher profiles with updated and more stringent profile requirements in place. All previously approved teacher profiles will be re-reviewed beginning July 16, 2024, starting with profiles that are updated first.

Now is the time to check your own Forte profile to make sure it meets the updated Forte requirements.

Important: Please note the new and updated teacher profile requirements:

Log in to your Forte account, click on “Profile” in the left-hand navigation panel, and update your Profile Picture, Brief Introduction, Full Introduction, and/or Video Introduction, as necessary. Click “Update” to save your work in Draft status as you edit. Be sure to only click “Submit for review” when all revisions are complete.

We know that students are most attracted to profiles that are professional, detailed, genuine, and personable. While it’s been hugely exciting to see so many Forte teachers earning thousands of dollars a month teaching lessons on Forte, we want to help even more teachers reach that level of success with profiles that dazzle.

We look forward to re-reviewing your profile soon.

The Forte Team

Profile Picture

Your Profile Picture is a chance to create a great first impression with prospective students.

A good Profile Picture…

  • is a clear, high-resolution photo.
  • captures you looking directly at the camera.
  • has good lighting on your face (beware of weird shadowing).
  • showcases the personality and aura you want to project.
  • is easy to see and notice, even when small.
  • is of only you (no other people in the photo).
  • includes your instrument (if applicable).

Brief and Full Introductions

  • Write in first person (using the pronoun 'I' rather than 'he/she/they').
  • Introductions cannot include last names (surnames).
  • Introductions cannot include websites or external links.
  • Introductions must be written in English in complete sentences.
  • Introductions must be free of typos and grammatical errors.
  • Emojis can be included, if desired.

Brief Introduction:

Tell students about yourself in a concise paragraph that draws them in and convinces them that you’re an excellent teacher.

  • 🆕 Your Brief Introduction must be 210 characters or less.

Full Introduction:

The Full Introduction section is your chance to provide as much info as you need to set yourself apart from all the other Forte teachers and let students know why you're their best choice. Be sure to allow your personality to shine through!

  • At a minimum, include information in your Full Introduction about your…
    • education and certifications
    • performance and teaching experience
    • professional achievements as a musician and as a teacher
    • preferred teaching methods
    • (most importantly!) what students can expect in lessons with you.
  • Organize a long Full Introduction into paragraphs/sections.

🆕 Video Introduction

You also now have the option to add a Video Introduction to your profile, if you'd like. Please note the following requirements for Video Introductions:

  • Share only your first name, not your last name (surname).
  • Do not share external websites, either verbally or in captions.
  • Keep your video to under two minutes.
  • Shoot your video in landscape mode (horizontal, instead of vertical).
  • Be professional! Present yourself in a respectable, professional manner.  
  • Ensure that your video is focused, steady, and well-lit.
  • Upload your video in MP4, MOV, or WMV file format (you cannot upload links)

Click here for more details on crafting a great Video Introduction.