I cannot launch the second camera.

This article walks you through troubleshooting Forte's Dual Camera Angle feature.

Note: The Dual Camera Angle feature is currently only available to teachers and only available when using a desktop or laptop computer.

After you scan the QR code, Forte’s second camera angle launches automatically. 

If you are experiencing issues launching the Dual Camera Angle Feature, you should ensure the following:

  • Use either the Chrome or Safari browser
  • Make sure you are granting permission on your device to access your camera
  • Ensure you are not logged into your Forte account on your phone

Can I connect an external webcam as a second camera?

At this time, the second camera feature only works with mobile phones (iPhone or Android). You can connect an external webcam as your primary camera, but you cannot stream it simultaneously with another built-in camera or webcam.

To stream simultaneously with a webcam, you can use a streaming software like OBS or ManyCams. Read more here: https://obsproject.com/

To toggle between cameras, access your Forte settings (the gear icon in the bottom right corner) while in the Forte teaching Studio.